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When the best is not enough: a super boost!
Our flooring products are already of the highest quality. And although we typically never go beyond the final floor, we have developed a number of high-quality products at the request of you and your colleagues that can be a valuable addition to your system build-up. With these, you can further enhance the professional characteristics. Offering numerous benefits even in the most demanding conditions. As you probably already know, we offer unique Omnicol FLOORING system guarantee when you use our products in all layers of your floor construction. This ensures that the products deliver maximum performance together.
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Let us help you out
What determines whether the leveling compound is suitable for the chosen final finish?
The combination of flatness, smoothness and hardness of the top layer determines whether a soft or hard covering can be placed, such as tiles or PVC. A rougher top layer is much less important for a finish with tiles, while for a floor finish with, for example, PVC and marmoleum, an extremely smooth top layer is necessary. The flow rate may differ per grade or type of leveling compound. But with proper use, all our leveling compounds will become perfectly flat.
Do the leveling compounds need to be sanded before finishing can begin?
In principle no. If, unexpectedly, small imperfections become visible the day after leveling, you can polish the floor slightly with a mesh net.
What temperature should the subfloor be during leveling?
During processing it is necessary to keep the temperature of the subfloor, space and material between 15 °C and 25 °C. In addition, the relative 65% of the lager must be before, during and a few days after maceration!