Grout joints & sealant joints
Grout joints and sealant joints are just as important as the tiles themselves.
Grout joints are not just a filler. Joint mortars absorb tensions that can arise between tiles and the substrate. And last but not least: they add extra decorative value to the entire tiling. Therefore, experiment with different widths and colors in advance. Do not underestimate the importance of a good sealant joint as a solid seal in the internal wall-wall connections and wall-floor connections.
Joint is the elastic bridge.
In most cases, tiles will be grouted. Floor tiles or wall tiles, ceramic, or natural stone, in wet or dry areas. No matter how tightly they are sawn or baked, you can never place them completely flush with the floor or wall. And you don't want that either, because the joint is the elastic bridge that absorbs all kinds of forces and movement. Larger sizes in particular are not very forgiving and therefore require a flexible joint. An (internal) wall and floor can also develop forces separately from each other, as can walls with respect to each other. It is better not to use joint compounds for all internal corners and connections, but a flexible sealant.
Functional and visual joint properties
Our range of grout joint mortars offers you a wide choice of colours, structures and application options. You can play with the colours in the visual effects. A white grout on a white tile ensures that lines disappear, while you can also consciously create contrast. For dark tiles, black, anthracite or dark grey are often considered the most beautiful grout colour. Also take a look at which functional requirements are important given the situation. Consider hardness, resistance to all kinds of chemicals and uric acid, or pressure and wear resistance (for example during heavy use or the use of scrubbers).