
Every surface has its own primer

Each layer of a good floor is not standalone but part of a careful construction. Here too, the weakest link determines the strength of the entire chain. That's why leveling always starts with treating the surface first. Such a primer is necessary to ensure smoothness, create adhesion, and bind residual substances. We have precisely the primers that allow you to address any surface as preparation for leveling and self-leveling floor mortars. Consider absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. But also completely closed surfaces and calcium sulfate-bound, or anhydrite surfaces.

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Superieure lvt lijm met een praktische verwerking.

Let us help you out

How do I decide which primer to use?

Take a small amount of water (one capful for example) and empty it onto the subfloor. 

  • Has the amount of water been absorbed into the floor within 2 minutes? Then you have an absorbent surface. 
  • If some drop formation is still visible after two minutes, you have a moderately absorbent surface. 
  • If the poured amount of water remains visible as a “puddle” even after a few minutes, then you have a 'non' absorbent surface.

What do you actually need to apply primer for?

Before you can start leveling, it is necessary to treat the surface. With proper pre-treatment you apply a membrane that reduces or eliminates any compatibility problems, such as smooth and closed surfaces, moisture, unevenness and/or loose dust, sand or dirt particles.

Why is it important to prepare the surface?

Preparing the surface is one of the most important parts of achieving a successful end result. Depending on the surface you want to improve and the end goal you want to achieve: 
  •  you can often finish it with a simple primer. 
  • OR you may have to further remove the surface, for example in the case of loose parts. 
  • OR you still have to pre-process by so-called dust-free “shot blasting”. This removes the top layer and any contamination from the surface and "roughens it", or increases the surface area for better adhesion. Excellent for all kinds of leveling compounds and screed floor mortars to adhere to.

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